NEERJAAL Tilonia Rajasthan
NeerJaal is a concept originally conceived by the Barefoot College in Tilonia OR Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC), Tilonia in Rajasthan. SWRC, under its flagship activities of Barefoot College, has been collecting and managing information regarding various linkages of Water in the desert of Rajasthan, especially in and around tilonia village near Kishangarh . Recently, SWRC, together with Digital Empowerment Foundation, discussed the NeerJaal concept together and developed the entire concept to implement at the national level, where the water sources, water bodies, water consumption, water usage, water harvesting, and water shorateges and needs could be mapped and put on an interactive platform.
The long term vision of NeerJaal is to allow each and every villagers and villages to put their water data on the public domain, and gradually with as the help of people and universal contribution, we gather widespread data related to water in India.
At the moment, the data is being populated through the available information with SWRC, and gradually with the launch of the website, this would be made open to all and sundry to populate the relevant information. However, each and every information would be updated after proper administrative and authentication check.ABOUT DEF
Digital Empowerment Foundation, a Delhi based not-for-profit organization was registered on December 2002, under the "Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860" to find solutions to bridge the digital divide. With no political affiliations, it was founded by Osama Manzar to uplift the downtrodden and to create economic and commercial viability using Information Communication and Technology as means. It was actively started in the year 2003 after the founder director left his software company to seriously pursue the aims and objectives of Digital Empowerment Foundation.
The Barefoot College began in 1972 with the conviction that solutions to rural problems lie within the community.
The College addresses problems of drinking water, girl education, health & sanitation, rural unemployment, income generation, electricity and power, as well as social awareness and the conservation of ecological systems in rural communities.
The College benefits the poorest of the poor who have no alternatives.
The College encourages practical knowledge and skills rather than paper qualifications through a learning by doing process of education.
The College was entirely built by Barefoot Architects. The campus spreads over 80,000 square feet area and consists of residences, a guest house, a library, dining room, meeting halls, an open air theatre, an administrative block, a ten-bed referral base hospital, pathological laboratory, teacher's training unit, water testing laboratory, a Post Office, STD/ISD call booth, a Craft Shop and Development Centre, an Internet dhaba (cafe), a puppet workshop, an audio visual unit, a screen printing press, a dormitory for residential trainees and a 700,000 litre rainwater harvesting tank. The College is also completely solar-electrified.
The College serves a population of over 125,000 people both in immediate as well as distant areas. Social Work and Research Centre Tilonia, Rajasthan, India.
The Director
Digital Empowerment Foundation
12/17, Lower Ground Floor,
Sarvpriya Vihar,
New Delhi 110017, India.
Ph: +91-11-26532786
Fax: +91-11-26532787
E-mail: | Website:
The Director
The Barefoot College
Village Tilonia,
via Madanganj, District Ajmer,
Rajasthan 305816, India.
Ph: +91(0)1463-288204
Fax: +91(0)1463-288206
E-mail: | Website: